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Coolie policy

Isabel Bernard is a trademark and a department of Brandfield BV. The cookie policy of Brandfield BV applies to the Isabel Bernard e-store. The cookie policy of Brandfield BV states:


What cookies are

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer when you visit a website. Both Brandfield and other parties may place cookies. Cookies do not store personal information about you, do not damage your computer, and are automatically deleted when the expiration period lapses.

Why cookies are used

We use cookies to facilitate the use of our e-store, to facilitate logging in on our website, and to remember your settings and preferences. You can disable these cookies through your browser, but this can have a negative effect on the functioning of our website and your experience with it.

We also place cookies on your computer to prevent you from seeing a certain advertisement too often, and to record the number of times an advertisement is displayed. These cookies are not linked to your personal profile.

With your consent, we also place tracking cookies on your computer. We use these cookies to keep track of the pages you visit and your preferences, so we can build up a profile of your online behavior. This profile is not linked to your name, address, e-mail, or other personal data. These cookies are used to analyze your behavior and remember your preferences regarding a questionnaire on a specific topic. Cookies ensure that certain software (see below) can work properly, which allows us to improve our website and our service. This in turn optimizes users’ experiences of our website.

Which specific cookies are used and why

Functional cookies: These cookies ensure that the website works properly.

We use functional cookies to:

  • remember products you add to your shopping cart when shopping online;
  • remember information you enter on the various ordering and checkout pages, so that you do not have to re-enter all your details again;
  • forward information from one page to the next page, such as when you must fill in a lot of details when ordering online;
  • save preferences, such as your language, location, the number of search results you want displayed, etc.;
  • read your browser settings in order to optimally display our website on your screen;
  • offer the option of saving login details, so that you do not have to re-enter them every time;
  • determine which version of the website you will see.

Statistics / analysis – cookies that allow us to measure website usage

We continuously monitor the use of the website in order to determine which parts of the website users find the most interesting.

The information we collect is used to generate statistics. These statistics provide us insight into how often our web page is visited, where precisely visitors spend the most time, and so on. This allows us to make the structure, navigation and content of the website as user-friendly as possible for you. We do not use the statistics and other reports to identify users.

We use cookies to:

  • track the number of visitors on the website and our web pages;
  • track the amount of time each visitor spends on our web pages;
  • determine the order in which a visitor visits the various pages of;
  • assess which parts of our site need changing;
  • optimize the website.

Advertisements – cookies that allow us to show advertisements

Brandfield’s core activity is selling products. To encourage sales, we place advertisements on various other websites. We try to make the advertisements as relevant as possible. We buy advertising space from media agencies and advertising networks, which act as intermediaries between website owners and advertisers.

The cookies allow us to:

  • track which advertisements you have already seen to prevent you from continuously seeing the same one;
  • track how many visitors click on the advertisement, which is used for financial settlement with the party from which the advertising space was purchased;
  • track how many orders the advertisement generates, which is used for financial settlement with the party from which the advertising space was purchased.

Interests – cookies that make the website relevant to the visitor

We aim to provide website visitors with information that is as relevant as possible, so we try to adapt our site to every visitor’s needs as much as we can. We do this by adjusting both the content of our website and the advertisements that are displayed outside of the website.

In order to be able to make these adjustments, we try to get an idea of your probable interests based on your visit to Based on these interests, we then adjust the content and offers on for different groups of customers.

Third parties who place cookies via our website may also use the same method to learn your interests. In that case, the information about your current visit can be combined with information from previous visits to websites other than ours.

If such cookies are not used, it does not mean that you will no longer see any advertisements from us, merely that the advertisements will no longer be tailored to your interests.

The cookies allow us to:

  • register the websites you visit, in order to estimate your interests;
  • check whether you clicked on an advertisement;
  • forward information about your online behavior to other websites;
  • use third-party services to be able to show you advertisements;
  • show you more relevant advertisements based on your social media activities.

Other / unforseen cookies

Because of the way the internet and websites work, it is possible that we do not always have insight into the cookies that third parties place via our website. This is especially true where our web pages contain embedded elements; these are texts, documents, pictures or videos that are stored by another party, but which are shown on, in or via our website.

If you encounter cookies on this website that fall into this category and that we have not mentioned above, please let us know. Alternatively, you may contact the third party directly and ask which cookies they have placed, the reason, the lifespan of the cookie, and how they have guaranteed your privacy.

Your rights concerning the use of cookies

You have the right to request access to your data, and to correct or remove it. See our contact page for this. To prevent abuse, we may ask you to provide proper identification. If it concerns personal data linked to a cookie, you must also send a copy of the cookie in question.

Disabling cookies

By default, most browsers – such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome – are set up so that you allow websites to place cookies on your computer. Adjusting your settings varies per browser. If necessary, consult your browser’s help function.

Note: Disabling cookies only affects the computer and browser on which you perform this operation. If you use more than one computer and/or browser, you must repeat this operation as often as necessary.

Be aware that if you disable cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website will work properly. It is possible that some functions of the site will be lost, or that you cannot see certain websites at all. In addition, refusing cookies does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements. The advertisements will simply no longer be adapted to your interests, and will be repeated more often.

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